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Tiffany Mitchell

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Tiffany Mitchell Empty Tiffany Mitchell

Post by chickendoodle Tue 06 Jul 2021, 6:06 pm

Tiffany Mitchell Vj80ozy

Tiffany Mitchell

Tiffany Mitchell
Age: 40
Hometown: Detroit
Current City: Detroit
Occupation: Phlebotomist

Three words that describe you: Kind, funny, and outgoing.

Favorite activities: My favorite activities are entertaining my friends and family no matter what
we’re doing; working out, reading, and boating.

Who are your favorite Houseguest duos? Those who became best friends in the Big Brother house or had a showmance?
My favorite house duo is the Hitmen with Cody and Derrick because of their loyalty to each other and strategic game play.

What are you most excited about living inside the Big Brother house?
I am most excited to Sleep in the HOH room. And I actually might want to try slop.

What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house?
I think the most difficult part about living in the house will be being away from my son. We’ve never been apart for more than a week.

What is your favorite past moment on Big Brother?
My favorite past BB moment is when Dan Gheesling eulogized his own BB funeral to keep him in the house.

What is your strategy for winning the game?
My strategy for winning the game is to learn as much as I can about everyone else and keep my mouth shut.

My life’s motto is…
“Make it happen!”

What would you take into the house and why?
-I would take my journal to document the entire process.
-My phone because who can live without that?!
-Recipes! I can cook but I still use recipes.

Fun facts about yourself:
-I am obsessed with horoscopes.
-I love cats, especially mine, Tiger and Puma.
-My favorite color is Tiffany Blue.
-I do voice impersonations of my friends and family.
-I utilize my alter ego.

Posts : 599
Join date : 2017-02-18

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